Best IT and technology job boards
In our listing of the best IT and technology job boards, we considered website traffic, unique visitors, the number of resumes or members, total number of jobs, total number of technology and information technology jobs and the number of companies listing jobs. Additionally, we polled over 100 Information Technology recruiters and asked them what their favorite job boards to use were and why.
IT Job Pro
Dedicated to IT Professionals ITJobPro really provides everything a Tech job seeker requires. When it comes to posting a job, this cannot be ignored. Across-the-board favorite tool of recruiters we contacted.
IT Recruiter Feedback: Many recruiters are decreasing budgets from other job boards and redirecting dollars to
Dice’s strategy has always been to focus on IT and technology jobs. That focus still makes them relevant.
IT Recruiter Feedback: Many information technology recruiters are long-time users of This makes relevant today. Several wondered for how much longer.
The grandfather of job boards sites. They still have a huge number of visits, jobs and resumes. IT and Technology jobs are only a portion of what they have posted.
IT Recruiter Feedback: Like Dice, many information technology recruiters are long-time users of This till makes it relevant today. Also, like, many recruiters wonder for how long they will use Monster.
CareerBuilder is another huge database of jobs and resumes. It boasts better searching criteria than some of it’s competitors. CareerBuilder is one of the pricier options for employers.
IT Recruiter Feedback: Recruiters that use CareerBuilder seem dedicated to it and like it. Not many recruiters were considering moving to CareerBuilder as an option.
The Ladders
The Ladders focuses on opportunities for upper-level executives and the c-suite. There are still several IT and technology jobs within their listings. There is not as much there for the less-experienced people.
IT Recruiter Feedback: recruiters with a focus on Executive recruiting are loyal to TheLadders and seem like they will continue to use it.
Any Information Technology worker who has any level of curiosity has spent time on Stackoverflow. It is a de-facto place for code samples, answers to tough questions and to get the pulse of newest technology trends.
IT Recruiter Feedback: Many information technology recruiters have yet to use StackOverflow yet.
Git Hub
Similar to StackOverflow, this is where many developers spend their online time. GitHub is used for version control, hosting solutions, open source projects and project management. It is increasingly used by software developers.
IT Recruiter Feedback: Like Stackoverflow, many information technology recruiters have yet to use Stackoverlfow yet.
Crunchboard is the official job board of TechCrunch. It is more well-known in Silicon Valley than other places.
IT Recruiter Feedback: It depends on where you are. Information Technology Recruiters who are related to Silicon Valley or other tech hubs are more inclined to use Crunchboard.
Glassdoor has an extensive database of company reviews, interview questions and salary information. If is typically populated by former employees. Often disgruntled ones. Googles has several pages of one star reviews.
IT Recruiter Feedback: Companies that hire IT and technology people have limited budgets where to post their jobs. Glassdoor rarely made the list of active places technology recruiters use. Many had a negative view of glassdoor.
Not just Tech but Indeed’s method of posting jobs gives them the edge on total traffic volume. Not IT specific so something to consider depending on skill requirements.